Small North American Liability | Brit


With a dedicated team to writing Errors & Omissions Liability for SME’s in North America we can approach each risk with the diligence required. Smaller enterprises are no less complex and we take the time to write risk that enables a small business to continue on it’s path of growth. We work closely with our claims team to offer a seamless service and provide you with the bespoke solution required.

We specialize in working with brokers, producers, managing general agents and associations in establishing binding authority arrangements, using our depth of experience to tailor products that suit clients’ individual needs. Our Coverholders are empowered to make decisions on our behalf, underwriting a wide range of small to medium-sized firms, including Architects, Engineers, Insurance Brokers and other miscellaneous classes. Our internal collaborative approach across Brit’s many product teams also allows us to offer our Coverholders the ability to create packaged policies providing multiple lines of insurance for their client base.

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empowered to innovate, so you don't just survive but thrive

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The Leadenhall Building,
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The Leadenhall Building,
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