Protecting treasured memories, not just valuables
We understand that your clients are entrusting us with more than their material possessions, they are trusting us to help protect the things that matter most to them. Whether it’s their family home, jewellery handed down through generations, or other irreplaceable treasures, we understand that value goes beyond the monetary.
Bespoke policies
We approach every client with their unique needs as the foundation, taking the time to understand them and their lifestyle.
With our portfolio offering, we can do all of this on one convenient policy with one renewal date, allowing them to spend less time on their insurance and more on the things in life that are important to them.
Over 130 respondents took part in the survey from a diverse range of broking firms, recognising Brit’s outstanding service, exceptional cover, intelligent underwriting and flexible, client centric claims service.
When they need us most, we’ll follow your client's lead with an approach tailored to their needs. We’ll treat them with empathy and understanding, to make difficult times a little easier. Whether they need us to be fast and nimble or to create an expert solution to a complex claim, our highly experienced team will be with them every step of the way
Our specialist claims team is comprised of experts who deal with claims in an empathetic, flexible and straightforward manner. Their breadth of experience means no claim, however complex, will ever be a surprise.
The wordings are good and they’ve got the right financial rating but, most importantly, they’ve got really credible people such as Tara Parchment and Alison Colver in place. Relationships are key in this market